hl3.txt Found in New Dota 2 Update

Half Life 3 confirmed?

In today’s Dota 2 patch, a file called hl3.txt was added into the game with references to all sorts of interesting things. Procedural mapping, VR integration, constant references for “use in HL3 only”, and even Hunters from Half Life.

Granted, this should all be taken with a grain of salt seeing as the contents of hl3.txt seems to be a help file for the Source 2 SDK or something similar. There’s a bunch of tools that would be able to be used in Dota custom games, but that really doesn’t explain the presence of the npc_hunter files which itself causes one to think “HL3 only” might indeed be a reference to Half Life 3.

Half Life 3 has been confirmed to be in the works for a very long time, but as is typical with Valve, there is very little actual information on what the project is.

Valve also genuinely does not care what anyone thinks and could just be messing with everyone. Those npc_hunter calls seem to refer to npc_hunter as a generic term for any NPC. Knowing Valve and the kind of word environment they have, I would not be surprised to see this all being a troll by the Source 2 team.

Also there were two other files to go with hl3.txt called rpg.txt and ai_basenpc.txt

These files together seemingly all are just help messages within the Source 2 SDK, but no word on anything from people who have dug deeper or have a much deeper understanding of what these help files mean. They’re CLEARLY help files because of the continual defining of the sections as “help entry”.

Any how, there’s an update to Source 2 inside of Dota 2 and there is seemingly references to Half Life 3. Whether these are intentional teasers, a troll, or just someone made a mistake in letting this information out, one of the first two options is the most likely.

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